Schedule an Eye Exam With Our Eye Doctors at Our Round Rock, TX Office
For all General Optometry Appointments including Comprehensive Eye Exams, Contact Lens Exams, and Dry Eye Appointments, please use the links below to access the online scheduler. For NEW patients, fill out the form below to get started. For EXISTING patients, please use the Existing Patients link below the form. You will need to register if this is your first time using the online scheduler.
Please call our office for appointment requests with Dr. Guenthner.
Exams for Children Age 4 and Younger: Please choose a time with Dr. Allison Jussel between 7:30am and 11:30am. The doctors find that young children are more cooperative in the morning and they can get more accurate exam results. Thank you.
We are confident that we can provide the eye care you need. The optometrists at Aspire Vision Care provide comprehensive eye care to patients of all ages. We also treat a range of conditions including glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, dry eye, cataracts, and macular degeneration.
Our eye doctors specialize in comprehensive eye exams for adults and children, contact lenses, myopia management, ortho-k, vision therapy, co-management of laser vision correction surgery, caring for eye emergencies and so much more.